Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What Do the Islands Want?

At the beginning of every campaign of The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence, GMs are given an opportunity to roll for what the Islands themselves want, as they possess a certain consciousness. Actions that agree with the Islands' goal might get occasional boosts. Those that oppose it, a potential penalty.

For this campaign, I rolled that the Islands are waiting for a Messiah that will tip the scales absolutely toward Law or Chaos. And (thanks to an Oracle roll), the Islands suspect it could be any of my PCs.

I determined that the Islands would test the party. And the form of the test would be determined by a roll on the campaign hooks table.

It came up with: "The Cultists of K'tulu are planning on forcing a Deep One Princess to be K'tulu's bride and bear his spawn. If that happens, the sea will swallow the Islands." it is a good thing to want to avoid.

So, if the possibility arises of my PCs opposing K'tulu and asserting our own power, then I will be sure to have fate nudge the PCs there. 


  1. Love it!

    BTW, to anyone reading this... if you've never seen the TV show Lost, do yourself a favor and watch it! I borrowed a few purple islands ideas from Lost.

    1. I'm a huge fan of Lost. I can definitely see the influence!


RIP, Adventurers

  Content Warning:  allusions to slavery, sexuality - both consensual, and allusions to non-consensual, human beings being eaten, desecratio...